2014. jan. 23.

                                  * Hungarian nuclear

2014. jan. 20.

Think about your future well in advance! 20 01 2014

Baglyas Erika "Jó előre gondoljon a jövőjére!" című, a Park Galériában megtekinthető kiállítását meghosszabbítottuk 2014. március 22-ig / The exhibiton of Erika Baglyas in Park Gallery, entitled "Think about your future well in advance!" will be open until 22 March
Marcius 22-ig meg tamogathatod nehany forinttal a szegenyeket es\vagy a gazdagokat, Park Galeria, MOM Park
You can donate some pennies to the poor and\or the rich until March 22 at Park Gallery, MOM Park
more here 
and here

2014. jan. 8.

'Public Secrets' NY

'Public Secrets' - Arts, Culture and Contemporary Indonesian Politics after the Fall of Suharto Performance by Arahmaiani  | Screening of Erika Baglyas’s film Honestly featuring CM Rien Kuntari
Saturday, January 11, 6-9pm | Project Reach NYC. 39 Eldridge Street, 4FL. New York NY, 10002
Earlier here

KB | BE #20

Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin | BE#20

Jozsef Melyi - The Body As Communication Field |On the Work of Erika Baglyas|